Neighborhood Information

PTRA is pursuing the option of having a Crime Prevention and Improvement District (CPID) for our neighborhood.  

On Sunday, August 15 at 2 pm we had a meeting at 5285 Chenango Drive.  The agenda for the meeting is below and the slides that were presented. On Saturday, November 6 at 9 am we had the second and final meeting at 259 Duplantier Boulevard.  The handouts for the meeting are below and include the agenda, expenses, and survey results. 

Please email if you have proposed solutions (with budget estimates) to offer to help us plan. 

PTRA restrictions.pdf

Plantation Trace Subdivision Restrictions


Plantation Trace CPID Meeting Agenda, 8/15/21


Plantation Trace CPID Meeting Presentation, 8/15/21

Neighborhood Help stalker.pdf

Notice: Stalker in Neighborhood

PTRA 2021 Survey Analysis.pdf

Plantation Trace 2021 Survey Results

Agenda_Planation Trace CPID meeting 11.21_final.pdf

Plantation Trace CPID Meeting Agenda, 11/6/21

PTRA expenses 2019-2021.pdf

PTRA Expenses 2019 to 2021 & Allowable Expenses for PTRA and CPID